Friday, December 3, 2010

LP sighting.

Since we all know that I have a slight obsession with license plates, I decided to have an ongoing feature on my blog entitled "LP sighting" so that when I find cute plates that make me smile, no explanation is necessary.  Now calling it a "feature" is perhaps a little lame, but I kinda like it and McCall thought it was a cute idea and since McCall is my biggest blog fan, I am taking her word for it. (Love that girl to pieces.  Especially since she has given me my first adorable grandbaby ... )

this little girlie:


  1. Love it! Especially with libbers next to it!

  2. ADORABLE my sweet friend. xoxoxoxo

  3. libby is so cutie! and i love seeing the licence plates you find!

  4. oh my gosh!! that is soooo cute! and true. i'm not only your #1 blog fan but, your #1 life fan. ha. love dat bebe.

  5. Oh, isn't she
    a little sweetie!
    What fun you are
    going to have
    xx Suzanne

  6. Love It!!!

    Well, it finally stopped raining and started snowing. The weather man said that a BIG storm is starting tomorrow and going through Wednesday. The skiers in my life are ecstatic. :)

  7. WAY TOO CUTE!!! Lil Libby and the Lil Baby plate!!! LoVe It!!!! xoxox
