Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

I knew that all things Royal Wedding would be featured on lots of blogs this morning and I was right.  However, I am sad to say that I have seen very little of any of it. But how stunning is this?


One of my cute readers, Libbie, posted that she and her little girl (complete with a princess crown and veil) went over to her sister's house in the middle of the night to watch the event together.  How fun is that?  I have lots of daughters and lots of sisters - why didn't we have a party?  Shoot.  (Oh yeah, I work ... big frown.)

We did TiVo it though, and I do plan on watching it, and I will love all of it, just like I did when I watched Lady Di marry Prince Charles.  I SO remember that day .... which reminds me of that post I did quite some time ago about wedding dresses .....


Do you remember that?  I wanted you to send in a picture of you in your wedding dress (yes, that means you, and you, and you too) and tell me why you chose it.  So here is another excuse to reminisce about that special day!  And June is coming up too - how does that song go about June Brides?  Another perfect excuse reason to share the bridal LoVe!!!!  (It'll be fun.)

Go to my "view profile" - click on my "email" - write a little wedding dress story - attach a photo - hit "send" ... you'll be glad you did!  (I will be soliciting too.)



  1. i'm a june bride!!! i wish i was a royal bride! that wedding was amazing! i think i wanna watch it again. maybe this time we can be together w/ tea and tiny cakes. :) love you!

  2. That surprised me so much to see my name! You are too sweet, It was fun :) Annie's teacher did say she was pretty tired at school & she didn't smile when she was sayung it :) I think I got scolded gently but I am still glad we did it.

    I LOVE that photo. I looked at it for a loooong time & I will go back & peek again.

    I wish I had a scanner & I would send you a pic but it never works! But I can't wait to see everyones!!! How fun!!!! Love the idea!

  3. You are so cute...if I can find a image and scan it ..I will send it to you.

    Wasn't she lovely....I could not take my eyes off of the T.V. for 2 days!!!

    hugs for a great new week. xoxoxxoo

  4. Kim and I watched the wedding lying in bed drinking tea with scones.....and we wore hats with plumage in our Pj's....TOO FUN!!!!

    And please tell McCall she was a princess and her wedding wad GORGEOUS!!!!! I loved it...every bit of it!!!! Especially how beautiful she looked!!!!! :-)
