Going through the old magazines, I really got a kick out of some of the ads. I don't really consider myself to be "old" (although some days it does feel like I'm getting there fast), but check OUT these cars and the price tag of the Turismo Duster. (The what?)

Tyra, Rachel and Christie ... back in the days when they were "just" models instead of moguls!

Talk about a squeaky clean boy next door. Nice pose fella!

I was really quite surprised by how many ads there were for cigarettes. There was one for women called Misty ... Misty?

Okay, this one cracked me up!!! Read the small print about why the picture was taken! (And poloroid is making a come back big time now. It's very trendy for bloggers.)

Jaime Lee ... she sure has fabulous legs. And nice to see that she is back doing commercials! :)

Last but not least ... the Gatlin Brothers in their Member's Only jackets. Lookin' good guys!

Love that van in the 1st add. I wish I could get a new car for $6700. ;)