Friday, January 18, 2013

Dusty snow.

frosty car photo frostycar_zps80b0f127.jpg closer frosty car photo closerfrostycar_zps1704f611.jpg

This morning as I was heading down the stairs, I noticed a little bit of snow flurries outside the window.  I said, "Hey, I didn't know we were expecting any snow flurries."  I said it out loud, although I'm pretty sure I was the only one I said it to.

One of my favorite kinds of snow is the kind that looks like someone took a (really) big bag of powdered sugar and just sprinkled it all over everything.  This morning's snow wasn't even quite like that .... it was like a delicate version of powdered sugar.  When I went to get in my car I just blew on the window and the snow floated away.

I just stared at it for the longest time.  I mean, ever since we were all in elementary school and cut out those folded paper snowflakes, we learned that every snowflake has a different shape. Looking close, it's kind of hard to tell, but I do know this - when you can actually look at an individual snowflake, it's pretty spectacular.

Here's a closer look ....

windshield photo windshield_zpse225d59e.jpg 

And closer still ...

wiper photo wiper_zpsa8ab8f89.jpg

  See! Spectacular, right?!


  1. Yes! I call it
    "snow globe
    snow" as it is
    light as a feather.

    In your pics you
    can almost see
    the individual
    patterns, which
    is SO lovely!!

    Enjoy your beautiful
    weekend, Polly!

    xo Suzanne

    your pics are great...
    I can see the little snowflake legs!
    GORGEOUS! :)

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