Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goodies from the dentist.

I can't say that I LoVe going to the dentist, but I don't really mind it.  I have had some pretty awesome dentists as an adult and I stay loyal ... until I had to move from California to Utah (that was actually on my list of cons when we were weighing the move - he was THAT good) ... and when my insurance changed and the Utah dentist I had come to love and adore didn't take my insurance anymore.  Sigh.

I decided to look for a really convenient dentist this time around so I found one in the same office complex as me .... a hop, skip and a jump away.  Doesn't get much more convenient than that.  Luckily, he came highly recommended and I really do like him.  But I like my hygenist even more. 

I had an appointment for a cleaning yesterday and she and I talked about the Bachelor and how crazy Michelle is, and who we thought Brad would choose in the end.  She said how fun it was to meet my girls when they were in town a few weeks back, although she wasn't the hygenist who cleaned their teeth. She rents her basement out too so we talked about the fair market price we could charge for rent, and how expensive utilities are and how there is SO much value in having good renters, and how sad it is when renters trash the place.

My dentist also has a really great selection of magazines to read while you wait ... and the TV is always on a good channel in the lobby too.  It just made me think how much more pleasurable some things are as an adult.  I sure didn't ever "enjoy" a trip to the dentist as a kid.  Although our family dentist had a really great drawer of goodies to choose from when you left!

But actually, not compared to the goodies this guy gives ... especially knowing how expensive a good toothbrush is these days.  (I would make a comment about how insanely expensive cleaning visits are, but this is about happy little things, right?)


  1. Insanely expensive is right and doctors too..our poor kids who are starting out can't even afford to go. Me, I'd rather have a baby! lOL

  2. hahaha. i'd rather have a baby too julie. although last time i went the dentist he fixed my chipped tooth that's bugged for years so, that was a plus.

  3. Not me my friend....I am soooo anxious about going to the dentist..just thinking about it makes me shiver.

    Hugs and love to you. xoxo

  4. Sounds like you found a great dental office! I agree, I'll take a free new toothbrush any day. :]

  5. i almost cry every time i have to go to the dentist. i'm not even kidding. i have such anxiety each time.

    i do like the free toothbrushes!!!!!

    i am going to email that wedding photo soon!

  6. Should I have Dr. Jeff read your blog...I am sure because he is totally AdOrAbLe had nothing to do with you not wanting to switch from him. tee hee
    Soooooooo Funnnnnny!!!! And I am TOTALLY sure ALL of his women patients feel the same way as you do about him! That's why it's so hard to get an appointment! lol

    Oh yeah...thanks again for the recommend....ha ha ha ha time I go I will give him an extra hug just from you....GLADLY! LOL

  7. Miss Di - I actually didn't go to Dr Jeff! I went to a little Asian dentist named Dr Ikamura who was right across the street from my office in Pasadena ... loved him to much to switch! ;) (Even though I do love Dr Jeff as a person!)

  8. I almost have a nervous breakdown when I have to go the dentist!
    That is exactly what we are doing , when we get the house finished we will be tearing the home we are living in down. It is right in our back yard, so you are right! V has a short commute to work on it!
    I am hoping ot be in it late spring.
    Have a pretty day!

  9. Funny, I was never
    afraid of the dentist,
    as a kid. Probably
    'cuz I never had a
    cavity! Had my first ~
    I kid you not ~ when
    I was 43!!! I've
    been a bit more nervous
    to go, every since : )
    But I figure 48 and only
    one cavity isn't a bad
    record! Happy Weekend!
    xx Suzanne
