Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Migrating Geese.


I LOVE to watch migrating geese! There is a pond not too far from my house where geese congregate. Every year I look forward to their migration. I drive by the pond on my way to work and often will pull my car to the side of the road to watch them.

Yesterday, I was out in my back yard and heard loud quacking, and then saw several geese in their "V" formation right over my head. I had never seen them flying so low or so close to me, and I was disappointed that I didn't have my camera right around my neck for a picture.

It seemed a little early for them to be migrating, but I read that when there is a change in weather, they know it is time to go to a warmer climate. (We've had a couple of cooler days - it is fascinating to me how animal instincts work.)

I went in the house and grabbed my camera to set on the patio, just in case any more decided to fly my way. And I didn't have to wait too long ... about 10 minutes later I heard the quacks and got the camera. This picture is what I saw. I think they are so beautiful. And what made me love them even more was learning more about their migration:

When a goose leaves the formation, he feels resistance of the air and the difficulties of flying alone. Then, he quickly comes back to the formation to take advantage of the flock's power in front of him.

When the leader gets tired of flying, he goes to the end of the "V" formation, while another goose takes the lead. The geese flying in the formation quack to encourage the ones in the front. In that way, they keep the same speed.

When a goose gets sick, is injured or gets too tired and must leave the formation, other geese leave the formation too. They fly with him to help him out and protect him. They remain with him until he dies or is able to fly again. They reach their bevy, or just make another "V" formation.

There are lessons to be learned from geese.

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